Bridal Cascade Bouquet:
Cascade filled with the highest quality Premium Garden Roses (Peach, Sunset Coral and Raspberry), Casablanca Lilies (White and Pink), Peruvian Lilies (Hot Pink/Raspberry), White Pastoral Symphony Orchids, Ivory Dew-kissed Tulips, Peach Dew-kissed Tulips, Ivory Fairy-Tale Roses, Cream/Peach Fairy-Tale Roses, Plumosa Fern (Asparagus fern)
This was a custom order placed by a bride.  If you are interested in ordering this bouquet and additional matching flowers,

Rose version (no casablanca lilies):

(last picture shown with one peach rosebud at tip of cascade to bring peach color down into cascade)

Lily Version (2 large Casablanca lilies included):